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Rattle teether toy Recall Due to The product does not comply with the mandato...

# Major Recall Alert: Rattle Teether Toy Recalled Due to Safety Non-Compliance

Attention Australian parents and guardians: Little Infants Australia has issued an urgent recall for its **Rattle Teether Toy**, as it fails to meet the *mandatory safety standard for children's toys aged up to and including 36 months*. This recall is crucial to ensure the safety of young children and highlights the importance of adhering to Australian toy standards.

Keep reading to learn why this recall is significant, the details of the recall, and what steps you need to take for your child’s safety.


## Why This Recall Is Important

The safety of children’s toys is highly regulated in Australia to protect infants and toddlers from potential hazards. The **mandatory toy safety standard for children 36 months or younger** ensures toys are free from small parts that could lead to choking or other risks.

The **Little Infants Rattle Teether Toy** has been found to violate this safety requirement. If children use this product, it could pose a choking hazard, putting their health and lives at serious risk.

By issuing this recall, Little Infants Australia is prioritizing child safety and encouraging caregivers to take immediate action.


## Details of the Recall

Here’s everything you need to know about the recall:

- **Product Name**: Little Infants Australia Rattle Teether Toy
- **Category**: Toys for children aged 36 months or younger
- **Reason for Recall**: The product does not comply with Australia’s mandatory standard for toys for infants and children up to three years old.
- **Risk**: Potential choking hazard due to small parts.
- **Date of Recall**: Announced as of **28,247**.

![ACCC Logo](https://www.productsafety.gov.au/sites/www.productsafety.gov.au/files/styles/large/public/2024-08/logo-accc-rgb-landscape-full-colour.png?itok=vBiECkD5)
![Recalled Rattle Image](https://www.productsafety.gov.au/system/files/styles/media_library/private/development%20baby%20rattle%20teether%20toy.png?itok=jJbGN1gj)

For official details, visit the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) page [here](https://www.productsafety.gov.au/search-consumer-product-recalls/development-baby-rattle-teether-toys).


## What You Should Do

If you have the **Little Infants Rattle Teether Toy** in your home, follow these steps to protect your child:

- **Stop using the product immediately**. Do not let your child continue to play with or chew on the rattle teether.
- **Keep the toy out of reach** of children to eliminate any potential danger.
- Contact **Little Infants Australia** to arrange a **return**, either for a replacement that meets safety standards or for store credit.

Taking prompt action is crucial to ensure your child’s safety and avoid any risks associated with this product.


## Stay Safe – Get Instant Recall Alerts

Protecting your family means staying informed about recalls that could impact your home. Download our app today to receive timely updates on **product recalls in Australia**. With push notifications for recalls like this one, you’ll always be in the know.

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For more information about this recall and general product safety alerts, visit the [Product Safety Australia website](https://www.productsafety.gov.au/search-consumer-product-recalls/development-baby-rattle-teether-toys). Stay vigilant and keep your little ones safe!

This recall serves as an important reminder of the value of Australian safety standards for children’s toys. Share this vital information with other parents to spread awareness and help ensure every household is safe.

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