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Envy TIG 230 AC/DC Welder (conversion lead only), Razor Multi 230 AC/DC Welde...

# Major Recall Alert: UNIMIG Envy TIG 230 AC/DC & Razor Multi 230 AC/DC Welder Conversion Lead Recall

If you own a UNIMIG Envy TIG 230 AC/DC Welder or Razor Multi 230 AC/DC Welder, attention is required. The 15A to 10A conversion lead supplied with these welders has been officially recalled. The product does not comply with Australian/New Zealand electrical safety standards, creating a potential safety hazard.

Below, we outline the key details of this recall, why it’s critical to address, and the steps you need to take to stay safe.

## Why This Recall is Important

Electrical compliance is crucial to ensuring safe operation of any equipment. The 15A to 10A conversion lead included with your UNIMIG Envy TIG 230 AC/DC and Razor Multi 230 AC/DC Welders does not meet the legally mandated Australian/New Zealand electrical safety standards.

When products fail to comply with safety standards, they can present risks such as electrical fires, shocks, or malfunctions. It’s essential to act immediately to protect yourself, others, and your property. UNIMIG urges all consumers to discontinue use of this conversion lead and follow the recommended recall process.


## Details of the Recall

Here are the key facts about the recall announcement:

- **Category**: Australia
- **Brand**: UNIMIG
- **Affected Products**:
- Envy TIG 230 AC/DC Welder (conversion lead only)
- Razor Multi 230 AC/DC Welder (conversion lead only)
- **Recall Reason**: The 15A to 10A conversion lead does not comply with the applicable Australian/New Zealand electrical safety standard.
- **Date Announced**: 28/211
- **Images of Affected Products**:
![Image of Recalled Conversion Lead](https://www.productsafety.gov.au/system/files/styles/media_library/private/15A%20to%2010A%20conversion%20lead.jpg?itok=5ViiWKg3)

For further details, visit the [official product recall notice](https://www.productsafety.gov.au/search-consumer-product-recalls/15a-to-10a-conversion-lead-supplied-with-certain-unimig-welders).


## What You Should Do

To ensure your safety, take the following actions immediately:

1. **Stop using the 15A to 10A conversion lead** supplied with the UNIMIG Envy TIG 230 AC/DC Welder or Razor Multi 230 AC/DC Welder.
2. **Complete the product recall form**: Visit UNIMIG’s official recall page [here](https://unimig.com.au/product-recall/) to fill out the required details.
3. **Contact UNIMIG for further instructions**: If you need to use your welder with a 10A installation socket-outlet, reach out to the company for alternative solutions or replacement advice.
4. **Spread the word**: Share this critical recall information with anyone who owns or works with UNIMIG welders.

Your swift action can help prevent potential safety incidents caused by the non-compliant conversion lead.


## Stay Safe – Get Instant Recall Alerts

Product recalls like this one highlight the importance of staying informed about safety risks. To protect yourself and your loved ones, consider downloading apps or subscribing to services that provide instant notifications of product recalls in your region. Staying updated on critical safety alerts ensures you can act quickly when needed.

For more recall information regarding the 15A to 10A conversion lead and other safety notices, visit the [Australian Product Safety website](https://www.productsafety.gov.au/search-consumer-product-recalls/15a-to-10a-conversion-lead-supplied-with-certain-unimig-welders).


Don’t delay—address this issue today to ensure safe and compliant operation of your UNIMIG welding equipment.

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